Legion Ladies Auxiliary takeout chili sale a success
Andre Gomelyuk - Staff Writer
The members of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary sold out at their takeout chili event that was hosted on Saturday, October 22 at Legion. Members of the public came into the Legion and to the back of the building in a drive thru style. Two youth helpers, Flint and Renata Rattai, could be found at the back of the building directing drivers where to park and handing out the drive thru takeout chili.
Each $10 bag came with containers of toppings such as cheese and sour cream, included a bun and a cake for dessert.
The Ladies Auxiliary held the event during the Chamber of Commerce Fall Market and Charron Sippola a committee member of Ladies Auxiliary, shared that it just worked out that the vendor market was scheduled at the same time. She commented, “We are just trying to keep the Auxiliary busy, and the Legion busy. Coming out of COVID, we are slowly getting some activity, like we are planning a Remembrance Day Tea which we haven’t planned for two years, so they haven’t had a tea, and none of the churches are doing a tea this fall. So, we are going ahead and will do a tea. It will be on November 5 at the Legion upstairs. On Remembrance Day, after the service and we come down here and will do beef on a bun free for the community on the 11.”
Sandra Lockhart, a Ladies Auxiliary member, shared that the funds of events such as the chili takeout are used to support the Legion.
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