Letters to the Editor
The Legion Ladies Auxiliary would like to remind parents and students that there is a bursary available at the high school for any graduate to apply for our $1000 award.
Our stipulations are: you must have some relative who was active in the Armed Forces anytime, have a relative a member of the Ladies Auxiliary or if the applicant is/was a part of the local cadet squadron. The student`s application must be sent into us by May 31st so we can look over the applications at our June meeting.
All pertinent information is on the application form at the guidance office. We are hoping to give 2 bursaries this year. If you know of any graduate that could qualify and can benefit from our bursary—tell them to apply.
Legion Ladies are trying to recruit younger members to do more for our community and keep our organization strong. Our Legion Ladies Auxiliary has been in existence since 1949. We now have a Facebook page where you can see our events and see how to get involved.
Sincerely yours, Sandra Lockhart
Member since 2004
My parents owned Marba Camps (now Hidden Bay Lodge) back in the early 1950's...