Letters to the Editor:
Started your Christmas shopping yet? Is the ENVIRONMENT on your Christmas list?
As consumers, we are often GUILTED into purchasing gifts for everyone in our family and circle of friends. How many times have we purchased a gift just because it is expected, knowing that the gift is really not needed or is completely frivolous? How many children prefer the box and not the toy?
Maybe it is time to rethink our attitude about Gift Giving.
In my family, I only purchase a new item IF the receiver really needs it. It is then wrapped in a festive towel or reusable bag. (Wrapping paper, bows, and ribbons are NOT recyclable)
My preference is to give:
1. Childcare so parents can have a date night.
2. Making or baking something that can be consumed, thus leaving NO STUFF behind. Cookies, candies, or soup can be presented in a mason jar with a festive sprig of greenery.
3. Creating waxed wraps to cover leftovers.
Purchase memberships or tickets to events that you know the family would enjoy
Entertainment series
Ski memberships
Swimming lessons
A concert in the city
Charitable donations:
Support an organization that you are passionate about by donating in the name of….
Adopt a Library Book. A name plate will be placed in honour of … and the receiver will be the first to get the book on loan. The book is then returned for other children or adults to read and enjoy.
There are so many possibilities for re-gifting. As children grow up, their gently used toys are often donated to the Salvation Army. I am sure there are amazing gifts waiting to be discovered.
If a new gift is a MUST, then consider purchasing one big gift instead of many little ones. Less under the tree can often have more meaning. If your family gives gifts to everyone, consider combining your resources and purchase one larger gift. Consider an eco-friendly gift. Purchase locally if possible. There are so many options.
If you consider any or all of the above, the Environment will thank you.
Respectfully submitted,
Anne Saltel