OPP Report:
Winter road safety
Ontario Provincial Police
With the widespread use of seasonal ice roads, officers from the Pickle Lake Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) detachment would like to remind drivers using these roadways that all driving restrictions set out in the Highway Traffic Act and Criminal Code apply.
Members of the Pickle Lake OPP, Mishkeegogamang First Nation, and Ninshawbe Aski Police Service have observed numerous unsafe driving practices on the roads in and around their communities. In response, officers will be focusing enforcement efforts on traffic safety. Commercial Motor Vehicle and passenger vehicle traffic need to be following speed limits and ensure vehicles are well maintained.
Driving is a responsibility taken on by every person who operates a motor vehicle. When drivers are careless or reckless, their actions could result in serious injury or death. If caught driving in an unsafe manner, drivers could be fined, sent to jail, have their licence suspended, and have their vehicle impounded.
The public is encouraged to contact the Ontario Provincial Police at 1-800-310-1122 whenever they observe a driver operating a motor vehicle in a dangerous manner. For more information on safe and responsible driving, visit www.opp.ca, or the Ministry of Transportation’s website, https://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook/safe-and-responsible-driving.