Dick's Hideaway:
Dick MacKenzie - www.dickshideaway.com
What would happen?
Have you ever dealt with a bureaucrat in a big city many miles away, to register for something important? One who can’t conceive of a remote house that’s not situated on a road, such as a cabin accessible only by boat or snowmobile that a person can’t drive a car to? One filling out a form that has little blocks for a street and a number, and who absolutely refuses to continue the process, despite patient explanations of why no such data exists, unless you provide a street and number, because that’s what the form says is needed?
Have you eventually thrown your hands in the air, shrugged your shoulders, muttered what the f***, and wondered what would happen if you just made some s*** up?
I enjoyed participating in Valleyview Public School's literacy week by reading stories to students. I also met with Chief Clayton Wetelainen in Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation...