Legion Steak Fry and Meat Raffle
The Edwin Switzer Memorial Legion Branch 78 held Steak Frys and Meat Raffles on Aug. 2 and Aug. 9 during this year’s Blueberry Festival.
Legion representative Megan Brohm said of the Aug. 2 event, “The Steak fry was great! We had just over 100 meals go out. The coinciding Meat Raffle raised $560 for PAWS (Sioux Looks Out for Paws Animal Rescue). We would like to thank everyone for coming out!”
First photo: Les West (foreground) and Talon Walsh prepare steaks for hungry guests on Aug. 2.
Second photo: Joan Dykes from PAWS receiving the donation from Legion Vice-President John Cole
Brohm added, “The second steak fry and meat raffle went well. We served about 100 meals and raised $298 for the Sioux Lookout Food Bank.”
People were invited to bring their chair, projects, and sunscreen and gather together at the Lost Lake Drop-In Centre in Hudson on the afternoon of Aug. 11 to work on craft projects they have on the go during a Craft in Public Day Blueberry Festival event